
Outbrain is one of the leading native advertising platforms that helps emerging brands to connect with consumers on the open web through engaging ad formats that inspire action.

Data integration: Skyvia supports importing data to and from Outbrain, exporting Outbrain data to CSV files, replicating Outbrain data to relational databases and synchronizing Outbrain data with other cloud apps and relational databases.

Backup: Skyvia Backup does not support Outbrain.

Query: Skyvia Query supports Outbrain.

Outbrain-Specific Features and Limitations

Skyvia has the following limitations for Outbrain:

  • In the Data Integration product, Outbrain connections are supported only for packages, which use a new data integration runtime.

    Make sure that the Use new runtime checkbox is selected on the tab bar if you want to use Outbrain in your package.

  • Skyvia supports DML operations for such Outbrain objects:
    • INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE: MarketerBudgets.
    • INSERT, UPDATE: MarketerCampaigns, MarketerConversionEvents, MarketerSegments.
    • INSERT: PromotedLinks.
    • UPDATE: Marketers.
  • Skyvia supports Replication with Incremental Updates for such Outbrain objects: MarketerBudgets, MarketerCampaigns, MarketerConversionEvents, Marketers, MarketerSegments, PromotedLinks.

  • Skyvia supports Synchronization for such Outbrain objects: MarketerBudgets, MarketerCampaigns, MarketerConversionEvents, MarketerSegments.

  • When importing data to the MarketerCampaigns object, in addition to the explicit required columns, the Targeting column should be also mapped. Since it is divided into separate fields, when importing you also need to map such fields of the Targeting column as Targeting_Platform, Targeting_Browsers, etc.

  • All objects from the PerformanceReporting_xxx group are divided into 2 tables: PerformanceReporting_xxxSummary and PerformanceReporting_xxxResults.

    • PerformanceReporting_xxxSummary – this table contains general metrics for the data for the specified period.
    • PerformanceReporting_xxxResults – this table consists of two groups of columns: Metadata (metadata for each record within the specified period) and Metrics (metrics for each specific record within the specified period).

    To receive records, you need to set a period filtering data by columns From and To. Reports are supported for Campaigns, Publishers and Platforms.

  • When importing data to the MarketerSegments object, depending on the value set for the SegmentType column, the appropriate column groups must also be mapped. For example, if SegmentType equals LOOK_A_LIKES, you need to map the columns of the LookalikeSettings group. We cannot define a fixed list of required columns for a given object, because this list changes depending on the SegmentType.

  • UPDATE operation is not supported for PromotedLinks.

Outbrain Connections

To create a connection to Outbrain, you simply need to enter your API Key. To start creating a connection, follow the below steps:

  1. Click +NEW in the top menu.
  2. Click Connection in the menu on the left to open the Select Connector page.
  3. In the opened pane, click Outbrain.
  4. In the Connection Editor page, specify a connection name that will be used to identify the connection.
  5. Enter your API Key.

    Connection Editor window

  6. Use the Test Connection button to make sure that the connection is successful and then click Create Connection.

Supported Actions and Actions Specifics

Outbrain connector supports the following actions: