Supported SQL for Cloud Sources

Skyvia supports SQL SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements for cloud sources.

Where SQL Is Supported

You can execute SQL in different Skyvia tools:

Basic SQL Aspects

Before proceeding to the statements here are some basic aspects of Skyvia’s SQL for cloud applications:

Identifier Quoting

Table and field names are quoted with double quotation marks.

Note that quoting table and field names are required only when they contain spaces or other “exotic” characters or when they coincide with SQL keywords.

For example (a query for Zoho CRM):

SELECT "t"."Account Name", "t"."Account Site"
FROM "Accounts" AS t

Constant Quoting

String and date constants are quoted with single quotation marks. For example (a query for Salesforce):

SELECT "t"."Name"
FROM "Account" AS t
WHERE ("t"."CreatedDate" > '2014-11-30 21:57:32')

Datetime Constant Format

Date constants are written in the following format: ‘YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss’. Time part or seconds may be omitted. See the example above.

SQL Parameters

SQL parameters for cloud apps are declared using the colon character. For example:

SELECT "t"."Account Name", "t"."Account Site"
FROM "Accounts" AS t
WHERE ("t"."CreatedDate" > :Date)

Supported SQL Statements