May 2024

New Connectors

Dynamics 365 Business Central — an ERP solution that provides extensive financial management tools for accurate expense and inventory tracking and budget management.

My Hours — a project time-tracking solution designed to manage performance and efficiency.

Connector Updates

LinkedIn Ads

We supported the latest LinkedIn Ads API Marketing April 2024 version.

The AdForms, CampaignRecommendations and CampaignInsights objects are deprected.

More details about the updates are available in LinkedIn Ads topic.


SendPulse objects now support Incremental Replication and Synchronization.

You can now work with ListEmails custom fields, using the separate dynamic <MailingListName>_ListEmails objects.

More details are available in SendPulse topic.


We updated our Shopify connector to API version 2024-04.


You can now work with the custom fields for the Tasks, Projects, and FolderAndSpaces objects.

The FoldersAndSpaces and Projects objects now support INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations.

We added the Timelogs object to our connector.

The Dates_Start and Dates_Due fields in the Tasks object are now available for import.

Skyvia no longer performs additional requests to the Folders object when querying. However, it now does for some fields in the Projects and Timelogs.

You can find more details about these and other Wrike connector specifics in Wrike topic.