
Everhour is a powerful time-tracking software with hassle-free integrations. It is an easy and accurate time tracker for budgeting, client invoicing, and painless payroll.

Data integration: Skyvia supports importing data to and from Everhour, exporting Everhour data to CSV files, and replicating Everhour data to relational databases.

Backup: Skyvia Backup does not support Everhour.

Query: Skyvia Query supports Everhour.

Establishing Connection

To create a connection to Everhour, you need to enter your API Token.

Getting Credentials

To locate the API Token, perform the following steps:

  1. Sign in to Everhour.
  2. Click Settings in the left menu.
  3. Click My Profile.
  4. Copy your Api Token under the Application Access section.

    Everhour API Token

Creating Connection

To create a connection, insert the obtained API Token into the corresponding box in the Connection Editor.

Connection Editor window

Connector Specifics

Object Peculiarities


When performing the Insert operation to the Invoice object, in addition to the client_id field, at least one more field from the available ones must be mapped.

DML Operations Support

Operation Object
INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE Expenses, ExpensesCategories, Invoices, Projects, ProjectSections, ProjectTasks, Schedule, TimeRecords

Incremental Replication and Synchronization

Skyvia supports Replication with Incremental Updates for such Everhour objects: Clients, InvoiceItems, Invoices, ProjectTasks, Schedule, TimeRecords, and Users.

Skyvia does not support Synchronization for Everhour.

Stored Procedures

Skyvia represents part of the supported Everhour features as stored procedures. You can call a stored procedure, for example, as a text of the command in the ExecuteCommand action in a Target component of a Data Flow or in Query.


call UpdateClientBudget(:client_id, :type, :budget, :period, :appliedFrom, :disallowOverbudget, :excludeUnbillableTime, :excludeExpenses,:threshold)

Client_id The Id of the client whose budget you update
Type Budget type, valid values: money or time
Budget Budget value in cents for money or seconds for time
Period Budget periodicity, valid values: general, monthly, weekly, daily
AppliedFrom The date from which the budget is active in the ‘Y-m-d’ format
DisallowOverbudget Boolean
ExcludeUnbillableTime Boolean
ExcludeExpenses Boolean
Threshold Number 0 - 100. Email admins when threshold reached

For example, the command to update the client budget may look like this:
call UpdateClientBudget(7320280,'money',100,'monthly','2023-4-1',false,false,false,0)


Resets the field values in the Budget block

call DeleteClientBudget(:clientId)


The following command updates a set of Budget fields in the Projects object.

call UpdateProjectBilling(:project_id, :Billing_Type, :Billing_Fee, :Rate_Type, :Rate_Rate, :Rate_UserRateOverrides, :Rate_UserCostOverrides, :Budget_Type,:Budget_Budget, :Budget_Period, :Budget_AppliedFrom, :Budget_DisallowOverbudget, :Budget_ExcludeUnbillableTime,:Budget_ExcludeExpenses, :Budget_ShowToUsers,:Budget_Threshold)

Project_id The id of the project, which billing you update
Billing_Type Project type, valid values: *non_billable, hourly, fixed_fee
Billing_Fee Project fixed fee in cents. Required only for fixed_fee billing type
Rate_Type Rates configuration for billing or budget progress, valid values *project_rate, user_rate, user_cost
Rate_Rate Flat-rate in cents (e.g. 10000 means $100.00). Available only for project_rate type
Rate_UserRateOverrides Override user rates in JSON object format where you specify user_Id and rate in cents. Available only for the user_rate type
Rate_UserCostOverrides Override user cost rates in JSON object format where you specify user_Id and rate in cents. Available only for the user_cost type
Budget_Type Budget type, valid values: money or time
Budget_Budget Budget value in cents for money or seconds for time
Budget_Period Budget periodicity, valid values: general, monthly, weekly, daily
Budget_AppliedFrom The date from which the budget is active in the ‘Y-m-d’ format
Budget_DisallowOverbudget Boolean
Budget_ExcludeUnbillableTime Boolean
Budget_ExcludeExpenses Boolean
Budget_ShowToUsers Boolean
Budget_Threshold Number 0-100. Email admins when threshold reached

For example, the command to update the project billing from May the 1st may look like this:
call UpdateProjectBilling('ev:179497308508805', 'fixed_fee', 10000, 'user_rate', 10000, '{"1247853":10000}', '{"1247853":10000}', 'money', 10000, 'general', '2023-5-1',false,false,false,true,0)


To update the field values in the Estimate block In the ProjectTasks object, use the command

call UpdateTaskEstimate(:task_id,:Total,:Type,:Estimate_Users)


To reset the field values in the Estimate block In the ProjectTasks object, use the command

call DeleteTaskEstimate(:task_id)

Supported Actions

Skyvia supports all the common actions for Everhour.