WooCommerce is the most popular and arguably best ecommerce plugin for WordPress. Being open source, it offers limitless customizations. Using WordPress with WooCommerce means you’ll have the support of the robust open source community.
Data integration: Skyvia supports importing data to and from WooCommerce, exporting WooCommerce data to CSV files, replicating WooCommerce data to relational databases, and synchronizing WooCommerce data with other cloud apps and relational databases.
Backup: Skyvia Backup does not support WooCommerce.
Query: Skyvia Query supports WooCommerce.
WooCommerce-Specific Features and Limitations
Skyvia has the following limitations for WooCommerce:
In the Data Integration product, WooCommerce connections are supported only for packages, which use a new data integration runtime.
Make sure that the Use new runtime checkbox is selected on the tab bar if you want to use WooCommerce in your package.
Skyvia supports the following DML operations for WooCommerce objects:
INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE: Attributes, AttributeTerms, Categories, Coupons, Customers, Orders, Products, ProductVariations, ProductReviews, ShippingClasses, Tags, TaxRates, Webhooks.
INSERT, DELETE: OrderNotes, Refunds, TaxClasses.
Skyvia supports Replication with Incremental Updates for such WooCommerce objects as Customers, Coupons, Orders, OrderNotes, Refunds, Products, ProductVariations, ProductReviews, Webhooks.
The following objects are read-only: CouponCustomFields, CustomerCustomFields, CustomerDownloads, OrderCustomFields, OrderLineItems, OrderLineItemCustomFields, OrderShippings, OrderTaxes, OrderFees, OrderCoupons, OrderRefunds, RefundLineItems, ProductCustomFields, ProductImages, ProductDownloads, ProductAttributes, ProductCategories, ProductTags, ProductDefaultAttributes, TopSellersReport, CouponsTotalsReport, CustomersTotalsReport, OrdersTotalsReport, ProductsTotalsReport, ReviewsTotalsReport.
WooCommerce Connections
To create a connection to WooCommerce, you need to specify the Domain, Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. To start creating a connection, follow the below steps:
- Click +NEW in the top menu.
- Click Connection in the menu on the left to open the Select Connector page.
- In the opened pane, click WooCommerce.
- In the Connection Editor page, specify a connection name that will be used to identify the connection.
Enter your Domain, Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.
- Use the Test Connection button to make sure that the connection is successful and then click Create Connection.
- Domain — your WooCommerce domain.
- Consumer Key — a unique key of the API key that you use when connecting to WooCommerce. It is linked to WordPress.
- Consumer Secret — a unique key of the API key that you use when connecting to WooCommerce. It is linked to WordPress, provides interoperability over multiple platforms and devices.
Read more about Consumer Key and Secret in the WooCommerce documentation.
Additional Parameters
If necessary, you may click Advanced Settings and set additional connection parameters:
Allow Untrusted Certificate — this parameter specifies whether to allow connecting to WooCommerce servers that use untrusted certificates.
Allow Certificate Name Mismatch — this parameter specifies whether to allow connecting to WooCommerce servers that use certificates issued for other domain than the server’s.
Supported Actions and Actions Specifics
WooCommerce connector supports the following actions:
- Execute Command in Source, Lookup, and Target Data Flow components and in Import and Export tasks in the Advanced mode.
Execute Query in Source Data Flow components and in Import and Export tasks in the Advanced mode.
- Lookup in Lookup Data Flow components.
- Insert in Target Data Flow components.