Zoho Desk

Zoho Desk is a cloud helpdesk software for managing customer conversations across multiple channels, such as email, chat, phone, social media, developed by ZOHO Corporation.

Data integration: Skyvia supports importing data to and from Zoho Desk, exporting Zoho Desk data to CSV files, replicating Zoho Desk data to relational databases, and synchronizing Zoho Desk data with other cloud apps and relational databases.

Backup: Skyvia Backup does not support Zoho Desk.

Query: Skyvia Query supports Zoho Desk.

Establishing Connection

Getting Credentials

While creating a connection to Zoho Desk, you need to enter Organization Id in case you work with multiple organizataions.

To get your Organization Id:

  1. Login to your Zoho Desk account.
  2. Click on ⚙ icon to open Setup menu.
  3. Select API.
  4. Look for OrgId and the bottom of the API page.

Creating Connection

To create a Zoho Desk connection:

  1. Select a Zoho Desk data center location from the Data Center dropdown.

    Connection Editor window

  2. Enter your Organization Id.
  3. Click Sign In with Zoho and enter your Zoho login credentials.
  4. Click the Create Connection.

Connector Specifics

Object Peculiarities


The Content field is an extended request field. When you include it to your query an additional request is sent for each row. Do not include it to your query unless there is a need.


Atleast ContactId or ContactEmail are required to perform Insert operation.

Tags and TicketTags.

Both objects represent a Tags entity. However, if you add a record with TicketId = null to Tags object it won’t be added to TicketTags.


Native filtering by Id is not supported. Use filters by DepartmentId, AgentId, ContactId, AccountId, TicketId, and Rating instead.

ArchivedTickets and ArchivedTicketsExtended

Native filtering by Id is not supported. To get archieved ticket by id use Lookup and Tickets or TicketsExtended objects.

Incremental Replication

Replication with the incremental updates enabled are supported for the Tickets, TicketsExtended, ArchivedTickets, ArchivedTicketsExtended, Contacts, Accounts, Products, Articles, Contracts, Events, Tasks, Calls, HelpCenterLabels, HelpCenterGroups, TicketActivities, BusinessHours, CustomerHappiness objects.

DML Operations

Operations Objects
INSERT Threads, TicketApprovals, ArticleComments, EventComments, CallComments, ContractComments, TicketAttachments, ContactAttachments, AccountAttachments, TaskAttachments, ProductAttachments, EventAttachments, CallAttachments, Events, Tasks, Calls, TicketTimeEntries, TaskTimeEntries, HelpCenterLabels, HelpCenterGroups, BusinessHours
INSERT, UPDATE Roles, Teams, Departments
INSERT, DELETE TicketFollowers, ContactFollowers, AccountFollowers, ArticleFeedbacks, ContactAttachments, AccountAttachments, TaskAttachments, ProductAttachments, EventAttachments, CallAttachments
INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE Agents, Tickets, Contacts, Accounts, Products, Articles, KBCategories, Contracts, TicketComments, ContactComments, AccountComments, TaskComments, ArchivedTickets, Organizations, Profiles, ArticleComments, EventComments, CallComments, ContractComments, TicketAttachments, ContactAttachments, TaskAttachments, ProductAttachments, EventAttachments, CallAttachments, Events, Tasks, Calls, TicketTimeEntries, TaskTimeEntries, HelpCenterLabels, HelpCenterGroups, BusinessHours
UPDATE Organizations, Profiles, HelpCenterUsers
UPDATE, DELETE ArchivedTickets, HelpCenterLabels, HelpCenterGroups
DELETE ArticleFeedbacks, TicketFollowers, ContactFollowers, AccountFollowers, ContactAttachments, AccountAttachments, TaskAttachments, ProductAttachments, EventAttachments, CallAttachments

Stored Procedures

Skyvia represents part of the supported Keap features as stored procedures. You can call a stored procedure, for example, as a text of the command in the ExecuteCommand action in a Target component of a Data Flow or in Query.


To get IDs of deleted objects, use the command:

call GetDeleted(:name, :startDate, :endDate, :excludeUserId)

Name Required Name of the object. This parameter accepts the following values: Accounts, Contacts, Contracts, Tickets, TicketsExtended, Tasks, Calls, Events, Products, Topics.
StartDate Optional Filters records starting from the specified date.
EndDate Optional Filters records up to the specified date.
ExcludeUserId Optional Excludes records with the specified user ID.


To send a reply for the selected ticket, use the command:

call SendEmailReply(:ticketId, :fromEmailAddress, :to, :content, :contextType, :isForward, :cc, :bcc)

TicketId Required ID of the ticket.
FromEmailAddress Required Email address of the sender.
To Required Email address of the recipient.
Content Required Body of the email message.
ContentType Required Defines the format of the email content. Accepts the following values: html and plaintext.
IsForward Optional Defines if the email is a forwarded message.
CC Optional Defines email address to be CC’d on the reply.
BCC Optional Defines email address to be BCC’d on the reply.

Supported Actions

Skyvia supports all the common actions for Zoho Desk.