Google Ads

Google Ads is an online advertising platform developed by Google. Using Google Ads, you can create online ads to reach people exactly when they are interested in your products and services.

Data integration: Skyvia supports importing data from Google Ads to other applications, exporting its data to CSV files, and replicating Google Ads data to relational databases.

Backup: Skyvia Backup does not support Google Ads.

Query: Skyvia Query supports Google Ads.

Establishing Connection

To create a connection to Google Ads, you need to sign in with your Google credentials and select the Customer.

Creating Connection

To create a Google Ads connection, perform the following steps:

Connection Editor window

  1. Click Sign In with Google in the Connection Editor.

    Signing in to Google

  2. Enter your Google email and password and click Sign in.
  3. In the next window, click the Allow button to allow Skyvia to access your Google account

    Signing in to Google

Additional Connection Parameters

Click Advanced Settings in the Connection Editor to enable additional connection parameters.

Login Customer

Select this parameter when you use a manager account in Google Ads connection to access an operating customer account to avoid ambiguity.

Reports Period

This parameter determines the period for data queried from the objects with the -Report suffix.

Connector Specifics

Data Structure

Skyvia represents Google Ads data as objects. The objects containing Report and View in their names are read-only. We need them to get statistical and analytical data about all other objects in Google Ads. For example, CampaignsReport is an object that contains all the fields of the Campaigns object together with additional fields like segments and metrics. Segments are attributes of your data. Metrics are quantitative measurements.

Segments and Metrics

Part of the Google Ads objects have the Segments_Date field. If you include this field in your query, Google Ads API requires specifying the date range value for this field. You can specify the date range using a filter by the Segments_Date field. If you don’t use such a filter, Skyvia will apply the default date range: from 23 October 2000 till now.

Consider segments and metrics compatibility. You may receive an error in case you query incompatible segments and metrics.

Incremental Replication and Synchronization

The following Google Ads objects support Incremental Replication: AdGroupsReport, AdGroupAdsReport, AdGroupAdAssetView, AdGroupAudienceView, AdScheduleView, AgeRangeView, BiddingStrategiesReport, CampaignsReport, CampaignAudienceView, CampaignBudgetsReport, ClickView, CustomersReport, DetailPlacementView, DisplayKeywordView, DistanceView, DynamicSearchAdsSearchTermView, ExpandedLandingPageView, ExtensionFeedItemsReport, FeedItemsReport, FeedPlaceholderView, GenderView, GeographicView, GroupPlacementView, HotelGroupView, HotelPerformanceView, IncomeRangeView, KeywordView, LandingPageView, ManagedPlacementView, PaidOrganicSearchTermView, ParentalStatusView, ProductGroupView, SearchTermView, TopicView, UserLocationView, VideosReport, AssetGroupProductGroupView.

Skyvia supports Incremental Replication for objects having the Segments_Date field. This field stores dates without the time part. When performing replication with Incremental Updates, Skyvia only tracks updates up to the last day. Skyvia doesn’t track the updates made on the current date.

It means there is no point in scheduling replication with Incremental Updates more than once daily.

Skyvia doesn’t support Synchronization for Google Ads.

DML Operations Support

Operation Object
INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE AdGroups, AdGroupAds, BiddingStrategies, Campaigns, CampaignBudgets, ConversionActions

Supported Actions

Skyvia supports all the common actions for Google Ads.