
SendGrid is a cloud-based platform intended for delivering transactional and marketing emails.

Data integration: Skyvia supports importing data to and from SendGrid, exporting SendGrid data to CSV files, replicating SendGrid data to relational databases, and synchronizing SendGrid data with other cloud apps and relational databases.

Backup: Skyvia Backup does not support SendGrid.

Query: Skyvia Query supports SendGrid.

Establishing Connection

To create a connection to SendGrid, you need to specify an API Key.

Getting Credentials

To get your API Key, perform the following steps:

  1. Sign in to SendGrid.
  2. Click Settings in the menu on the left.

    SendGrid API Key

  3. In the drop-down list, click API Keys and copy your API Key.

  4. If you don’t have an API Key in your SendGrid account yet, you need to create it and select API Key permissions.

    SendGrid API Key Permissions

Creating Connection

Paste the obtained API Key to the corresponding box in the Connection Editor.

Connection Editor window

Additional Connection Parameters

Use Custom Fields

Select this checkbox to make custom fields available in Skyvia.

Connector Specifics

Object Peculiarities


Due to SendGrid API peculiarities, the INSERT and UPDATE operations work the following way. When you import a record with an existing Email value, the integration updates the corresponding target record. When you import a record with a new Email value, the integration inserts a new record to the target.

It takes several minutes for changes to display in the Contact object.

The ListIds field supports the INSERT operation and does not support the UPDATE operation. To update the ListIds field, you can use the Insert action, map the existing value to the Email field and map the ListId field.

EmailStatistics Objects

To get data from the -EmailStatistics objects (GlobalEmailStatistics, EmailStatisticsByCountry, EmailStatisticsByDeviceType etc.), you must set the filter by StartDate with = (equals) operator only. Optionally, you can add the filter by EndDate. StartDate and EndDate fields are used for filtering only and do not display values when querying.


To successfully import data to the Suppressions object, you must map the Email field to the values in the array format, for example: ["[email protected]","[email protected]"]

Custom Fields

When you get the data from the CustomFields field of the Contacts object, the data is returned in form of a JSON array with pairs of “custom field name”:”custom field value”.

To successfully import data to custom fields, you must pass the custom field Id instead of name, in the following format: “custom field Id”:”custom field value”.

DML Operations Support

Operation Objects
INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE Alerts, API Keys, AuthenticatedDomains, BrandedLinks, Campaign, CancelSheduledSends, ContactLists, Contacts, CustomFields, Designs, Lists, Segments, Senders, SingleSends, Subusers, Templates, TransactionalTemplateVersions, UnsubscribeGroups, VerifiedSenders
UPDATE, DELETE CampaignSchedules, Teammates
INSERT, DELETE ContactCustomFields, Contacts, ContactSegments, PendingTeammates, ReverseDNS, Suppressions, Unsubscribes
DELETE Blocks, Bounces, ContactListRecipients, InvalidEmails, SpamReports
INSERT InboundParseSettings, SubuserMonitorSettings

Incremental Replication and Synchronization

Skyvia supports Replication with Incremental Updates selected for SendGrid objects, which have either the UpdatedDate or CreatedDate field. Thus, such objects as Alerts, Blocks, Bounces, Contacts, ContactListRecipients, Designs, DesignsPre-built, InvalidEmails, Senders, Segments,SingleSends, SpamReports, Suppressions, Templates, TransactionalTemplateVersions, Unsubscribes can be replicated with incremental updates.

Skyvia supports Synchronization for such SendGrid objects as Alerts, Designs, Segments, Senders, SingleSends, Templates, TransactionalTemplateVersions.

Supported Actions

Skyvia supports all the common actions for SendGrid.