X Ads
X Ads (formerly Twitter Ads) is a service for gathering direct responses, increasing website traffic, downloading content or any app, or simply increasing views and followers on X. The X Ads service allows you to sponsor your message directly in your target audience’s feed or large consumer segments.
Data integration: Skyvia supports importing data to and from X Ads, exporting X Ads data to CSV files, replicating X Ads data to relational databases, and synchronizing X Ads data with other cloud apps and relational databases.
Backup: Skyvia Backup does not support X Ads.
Query: Skyvia Query supports X Ads.
Establishing Connection
Log in to X Ads using your credentials to create a connection with X Ads.
Creating Connection
To create an X Ads connection, perform the following steps:
In the Connection Editor, click Sign In with X.
In the opened window, enter your X credentials and click Authorize app.
Connector Specifics
Incremental Replication and Synchronization
Skyvia supports Incremental Replication for the following X Ads objects: Accounts, Campaigns, FundingInstruments, AdGroups, PromotedAccounts, PromotedTweets, PromotableUsers, ScheduledPromotedTweets, AccountMedia, ImageAppDownloadCards, ImageConversationCards, VideoConversationCards, Cards, ScheduledTweets, VideoAppDownloadCards, VideoWebsiteCards, WebsiteCards, PrerollCallToActions, ImageDirectMessageCards, VideoDirectMessageCards, MediaLibrary, PollCards, DraftTweets, TailoredAudiences, TailoredAudiencePermissions, AccountsDailyReport, CampaignsDailyReport, FundingInstrumentsDailyReport, AdGroupsDailyReport, PromotedAccountsDailyReport, PromotedTweetsDailyReport, MediaCreativesDailyReport.
Skyvia supports Replication with Incremental Updates for objects that have UpdatedDate and CreatedDate fields and for objects with Report and View in their names, which have Date field. This field stores dates without the time part. Thus, when performing Incremental Replication, Skyvia queries updates up to the previous date. Skyvia doesn’t track the updates made on the current date.
DML Operations Support
Operation | Object |
INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE | Campaigns, AdGroups, ScheduledPromotedTweets, ImageAppDownloadCards, ImageConversationCards, ScheduledTweets, VideoAppDownloadCards, VideoWebsiteCards, WebsiteCards, PrerollCallToActions, PublishedTweets , ImageDirectMessageCards, VideoDirectMessageCards, MediaLibrary, DraftTweets, TailoredAudiences, TailoredAudiencePermissions |
INSERT, DELETE | MediaCreatives, PromotedAccounts, PromotedTweets, PollCards |
UPDATE | Accounts, FundingInstruments |
DELETE | AccountMedia |
Supported Actions
Skyvia supports all the common actions for X Ads.