
Todoist is a to-do list app for task management with task prioritization, reminders, activity history, progress visualization, collaboration, and more.

Skyvia and Skyvia integration with Todoist are not created by, associated with, or supported by Doist.

Data integration: Skyvia supports importing data to and from Todoist, exporting Todoist data to CSV files, and replicating Todoist data to relational databases.

Backup: Skyvia Backup does not support Todoist.

Query: Skyvia Query supports Todoist.

Establishing Connection

To create a connection to Todoist, you have to sign in with Todoist your credentials.

Creating Connection

To connect to Todoist, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Sign In with Todoist in the Conection Editor.

    Connection Editor

  2. Sign in to Todoist.

    Todoist login

Disconnecting Skyvia from Todoist

You can disconnect from Todoist on Skyvia side by deleting all the Todoist connections you have created and all the objects that depend from the connections: integrations, endpoints, queries.

Connector Specifics

DML Operations Support

Skyvia supports the following DML operations for Todoist.

Operation Object
INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE Labels, ProjectComments, Projects, Sections, TaskComments, Tasks

Incremental Replication and Synchronization

Skyvia does not support Synchronization and Replication with Incremental Updates for Todoist.

Stored Procedures

Skyvia represents part of the supported Zoho Billing features as stored procedures. You can call a stored procedure, for example, as a text of the command in the ExecuteCommand action in a Target component of a Data Flow or in Query.


Use the following command to close the task.

call CloseTask(:TaskId)


Use the following command to reopen the closed task.

call ReopenTask(:TaskId)

Supported Actions

Skyvia supports all the common actions for Todoist.