
Close is an all-in-one high-performance CRM for growing sales teams and turning more leads into revenue.

Data integration: Skyvia supports importing data to and from Close, exporting Close data to CSV files, replicating Close data to relational databases, and synchronizing Close data with other cloud apps and relational databases.

Backup: Skyvia Backup does not support Close backup.

Query: Skyvia Query supports Close.

Establishing Connection

To create a connection to Close, select the authentication type and provide the required credentials.

Getting Credentials


  1. Log in to Close and click Settings on the left.
  2. Select API Keys.

    API menu

  3. Click + New API Key.
  4. Enter the API Key name and click Create API Key.
  5. Copy the newly created API Key into the clipboard and click OK.

The API Key is available only once when you create it. Copy the displayed API Key and store it somewhere safe.

API menu API key

Creating API Key Connection

API Connection Editor window

  1. Select the API Key authentication type.
  2. Enter the obtained API Key.

Creating OAuth Connection

OAuth window

  1. Select the OAuth2 authentication type and click Sign In with Close.
  2. Enter your email and password.

    Enter Credentials

  3. Allow Skyvia access your Close organization.

    Give permissions

Connector Specifics

Incremental Replication and Synchronization

Skyvia supports Replication with Incremental Updates for all Close objects except: ConnectedAccounts, Groups, LeadStatuses, OpportunityAggregateValues, OpportunityStatuses, Pipelines, ReportActivityMetrics, SendAs, SequenceSchedules.

Skyvia supports Synchronization for such Close objects as ActivityCustomFields, ActivityEmails, ActivityNotes, ActivitySMS, ContactCustomFields, Contacts,CustomActivityInstances, CustomActivityTypes, EmailSequences, EmailTemplates, IntegrationLinks, LeadCustomFields, Leads, Opportunities, OpportunityCustomFields, Pipelines, Roles, SequenceSubscriptions, SharedCustomFields, SmartViews, Tasks.

DML Operations Support

Skyvia supports the following DML operations for Close objects:

Operation Object
INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ActivityCustomFields, ActivityEmails, ActivityNotes, ActivitySMS, Contacts, ContactCustomFields, CustomActivityInstances, CustomActivityTypes, EmailSequences, EmailTemplates,Groups, IntegrationLinks, LeadCustomFields, Leads, LeadStatuses, Opportunities, OpportunityCustomFields, OpportunityStatuses, Pipelines, Roles, SharedCustomFields, SmartViews, Tasks
INSERT, UPDATE SequenceSubscriptions
INSERT, DELETE ActivityCalls
INSERT BulkDelete, BulkEdit, BulkEmails, BulkSequenceSubscriptions, Export, SendAs
DELETE ActivityEmailThreads, ActivityMeetings, ActivityTaskCompleted
UPDATE PhoneNumbers

Stored Procedures

Skyvia represents part of the supported Close features as stored procedures. You can call a stored procedure, for example, as a text of the command in the ExecuteCommand action in a Target component of a Data Flow or in Query.


To add a specific user to a group, use the command

call AddUserToGroup (:group_id, :user_id)


To remove a specific user from a group, use the command

call DeleteUserFromGroup (:group_id, :user_id)

Custom Fields

You can add Custom fields to Close objects. Information on custom fields added to a particular object (their Ids, names, types) is stored in the CustomFields object. The custom columns themselves and their values are stored in the objects with the corresponding object name and the -CustomFields suffix. For example, Such objects as LeadCustomFields, ContactCustomFields, OpportunityCustomFields, etc., store information about custom fields. Information about custom fields and their values are stored as JSON arrays.

Supported Actions

Skyvia supports all the common actions for Close.


The skip you set is larger than the maximum skip for this resource (max_skip = N)

Close API allows to read a limited number of records in some objects. This limit may vary in different Close objects.

If you exceed this limit when running an integration, it fails with the error of type: “Integration failed: The skip you set is larger than the maximum skip for this resource (max_skip = N). Please refine your search query”. N in the error message is the maximum allowed number of records depending on the object.

You can reduce the number of read records using filters with the following operators:

Activities LeadId (=), CreatedDate (>=, <)
ActivityCreated, ActivityCalls, ActivityEmails, ActivityEmailThreads, ActivityNotes, ActivityLeadStatusChanges, ActivityOpportunityStatusChanges, ActivityTaskCompleted, ActivitySMS LeadId (=), UserId (=), CreatedDate (>=, <)