Jira Software Cloud

Jira Software Cloud is a project management tool to plan and track work across every team.

Data integration: Skyvia supports importing data to and from Jira, exporting Jira data to CSV files, and replicating Jira data to relational databases.

Backup: Skyvia Backup does not support Jira Software Cloud.

Query: Skyvia Query supports Jira Software Cloud.

Establishing Connection

To create a connection to Jira Software Cloud, you need to have the Site URL.

Creating Connection

To connect to Jira Software Cloud, perform the following steps:

  1. Enter your Site address.

    Jira Connection Editor

  2. Click Sign In with Jira Software Cloud.
  3. Enter your Atlassian credentials.

    Jira credentials

  4. Click Log in.

Connector Specifics

Filtering Specifics

Jira Software Cloud supports the following native filters:

Object Operator Field
Boards = Type
BoardEpics = Done
BoardVersions = Released

Incremental Replication and Synchronization

Skyvia does not support Replication with Incremental Updates for Jira Software Cloud.

Skyvia does not support Synchronization for Jira Software Cloud objects.

DML Operations Support

Operation Object
UPDATE BoardEpics

Stored Procedures

Skyvia represents part of the supported Jira Software Cloud features as stored procedures. You can call a stored procedure, for example, as a text of the command in the ExecuteCommand action in a Target component of a Data Flow or in Query.


To move an issue to an epic, use the command:

call MoveIssuesToEpic(:epic_id,:issues)

epic_id Epic identifier.
issues Array of issues. Example: [1000, 2222]

To use this procedure, you need to have an edit issue permission for all issues you want to move. You can move up to 50 issues at once.

This procedure does not support team-managed (next-gen) projects.

Supported Actions

Skyvia supports all the common actions for Jira Software Cloud.