
Recurly is a subscription management and recurring billing platform.

Data integration: Skyvia supports importing data to and from Recurly, exporting Recurly data to CSV files, replicating Recurly data to relational databases and synchronizing Recurly data with other cloud apps and relational databases.

Backup: Skyvia Backup does not support Recurly.

Query: Skyvia Query supports Recurly.

Recurly-Specific Features and Limitations

Skyvia has the following limitations for Recurly:

  • In the Data Integration product, Recurly connections are supported only for packages, which use a new data integration runtime.

    Make sure that the Use new runtime checkbox is selected on the tab bar if you want to use Recurly in your package.

  • Skyvia supports DML operations for such Recurly objects:
    • INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE: Accounts, AddOns, BillingInfos, Coupons, Items, MeasuredUnits, Plans, ShippingAddresses, ShippingMethods, Subscriptions.
    • INSERT, DELETE: LineItems, UniqueCouponCodes.
    • UPDATE, DELETE: Acquisitions, BillingInfo.
    • INSERT, UPDATE: Invoices.
    • INSERT: CouponRedemptions.
  • Skyvia supports Replication with Incremental Updates for all Recurly objects, except AccountBalances.

  • Skyvia supports Synchronization for such Recurly objects: Accounts, AddOns, BillingInfos, Coupons, Invoices, Items, Plans, MeasuredUnits, ShippingAddresses, ShippingMethods, Subscriptions.

  • Subscription object. For now, Insert, Update and Delete operations can be implemented in Skyvia through such stored procedures:

    • call CancelSubscription(:subscription_id, :timeframe)
    • call ReactivateCanceledSubscription(:subscription_id)
    • call PauseSubscription(:subscription_id, :remaining_pause_cycles)
    • call ResumeSubscription(:subscription_id)
    • call ConvertTrial(:subscription_id)
  • The Update operations for UniqueCouponCodes object can be implemented through a stored procedure:

    call RestoreUniqueCouponCode(:unique_coupon_code_id)

  • Invoices object. Importing data to the Invoices object creates an invoice for all pending line items of the account under which the invoice is created. It means that there must be at least 1 record in the LineItems object that does not have an InvoiceId value. As a result of import, a new record will be created in the Invoices object, and all pending line items will be linked to this invoice (the corresponding value will be added to the InvoiceId field).

  • LineItems object. When importing data to the LineItems object, records are linked to the account, not to the invoice. When deleting data, line items that are linked only to the account are deleted.

Recurly Connections

To create a connection to Recurly, you simply need to enter your API Key. To start creating a connection, follow the below steps:

  1. Click +NEW in the top menu.
  2. Click Connection in the menu on the left to open the Select Connector page.
  3. In the opened pane, click Recurly.
  4. In the Connection Editor page, specify a connection name that will be used to identify the connection.
  5. Enter your API Key.
  6. Select your region by clicking the Region drop-down list.

    Connection Editor window

  7. Use the Test Connection button to make sure that the connection is successful and then click Create Connection.

    Region — location of your account registration. The Region parameter influences the formation of a common URL. If the account was registered in Europe, then you need to select Europe as region.

    API Key — REST API key used for connecting to Recurly. You can read more on how to get your Recurly API Key here.

Receiving Recurly API Key

To get your Recurly API Key, perform the following steps:

  1. Sign in to Recurly.
  2. Click Integrations in the menu on the left.
  3. Click API Credentials.
  4. Copy yor private Api Key.

    Recurly API Key

Supported Actions and Actions Specifics

Recurly connector supports the following actions: