
Chargebee is a subscription billing and revenue management platform. It helps companies offering subscription services automate their billing procedures.

Data integration: Skyvia supports importing data to and from Chargebee, exporting Chargebee data to CSV files, replicating Chargebee data to relational databases, and synchronizing Chargebee data with other cloud apps and relational databases.

Backup: Skyvia Backup does not support Chargebee backup.

Query: Skyvia Query supports Chargebee.

Establishing Connection

To create a connection with Chargebee, you need to know the API key and Subdomain values.

Getting credentials


Subdomain is a value that comes in the URL before For example, if your Chargebee link looks like this:, use myaccount as your Subdomain.


API Key is a key that is used to authenticate Skyvia and control your access to the Chargebee.

To locate your API Key, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to your Chargebee account.
  2. Click the gear icon on the left to navigate to Settings -> select Configure Chargebee and scroll down to API Keys and Webhooks.

    API Menu

  3. Click API Keys. Copy the available API Key or create a new one.

    Getting API Key

Creating Connection

Establishing Connection API Key

Paste the obtained Subdomain and API Key to the corresponding boxes of the Connection Editor in Skyvia.

Connector Specifics

Object Specifics


To import records to the Coupons object, map either the DiscountAmount or DiscountPercentage field value. It depends on whether DiscountType is set to Fixed Amount or Percentage.

If the ApplyOn value is set to Each Specified Item, you need to map either ItemConstraints or ItemConstraintCriteria. Otherwise, the Import generates an error “Constraint should be passed for at least one item_type, or it has to be all/specific/criteria.”


To import records to the CreditNotes in addition to the required ReferenceInvoiceId field, you must map either Total or LineItems field. Also, depending on your account settings, you may need to map the CreateReasonCode if it is set as mandatory in Chargebee.


To import records to the Invoices object, map either the CustomerId or SubscriptionId fields. Additionally, you must map either the Charges or LineItems array field. Find an entry with ItemType = Charge in the ItemPrices table, copy the value from the Id column, and paste it to the LineItems array as item_price_id.


To import records to the Quotes table, you must map either the ItemPrices or the Charges additionally to the required CustomerId field. Otherwise, the Import generates the error “At least one nonrecurring addon or charge item should be present.”


To import records to the UnbilledCharges, besides the required SubscriptionId field, you also must map either the ItemPrices or the Charges field.

Charges value example: [{“amount”:77, “description”: “test import”}]

ItemPrices value example: [{“item_price_id”: “item_pr_1”}]


Email field is not required for VirtualBankAccounts as its value is taken from the Customers object. However, if Email is not specified in Customers, you will receive an error “virtual_bank_account[email] : cannot be blank.”

Incremental Replication and Synchronization

Replication with Incremental Updates is supported for the following objects: Comments, Coupons, CreditNotes, Customers, Gifts, InvoiceLinkedOrders, Invoices, ItemFamilies, ItemPrices, Items, Orders, PaymentSources, Quotes, Subscriptions, Transactions, UnbilledCharges, VirtualBankAccounts.

Synchronization is supported for the following objects: Customers, Gifts, Invoices, PaymentSources, Quotes, Subscriptions.

The Id value in Coupons, ItemFamilies, Items and ItemPrices objects is not autogenerated and should be set manually. Thus Synchronization of Coupons, ItemFamilies, Items and ItemPrices objects cause an error “Required column ‘Id’ is missing.”

DML Operations

Skyvia supports the following DML operations for Chargebee objects:

Operation Object
INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE Coupons, CouponSets, CustomerContacts, Customers, Invoices, ItemFamilies, ItemPrices, Items, Orders, PaymentSources, Quotes, Subscriptions
INSERT, DELETE Comments, CreditNotes, UnbilledCharges, VirtualBankAccounts

Stored Procedures

Skyvia represents part of the supported Chargebee features as stored procedures. You can call a stored procedure, for example, as a text of the command in the ExecuteCommand action in a Target component of a Data Flow or in Query.


The following command copies a coupon from one site to another. Copying of archived coupons is not supported.

call CopyCoupon(:from_site, :id_at_from_site)

From_site Your Chargebee site name having the coupon to be copied.
Id_at_from_site Id of the coupon to be copied


To unarchive a specific coupon using the coupon Id, use the command

call UnarchiveCoupon(:coupon_id)


The following command deletes all the unutilized coupon codes from a specific coupon set

call DeleteUnusedCouponCodes(:coupon_set_id)


To archive a coupon code thereby making it inactive. The archived coupon code cannot be applied to any subscription.

call ArchiveCouponCode(:coupon_code)


To update payment method details for a customer, use command

call UpdatePaymentMethodForCustomer(:customer_id, :payment_method_type, :payment_method_reference_id)

Customer_id The Chargebee customer’s identifier
Payment_method_type Type of payment source (Enum). Valid values are card, paypal_express_checkout, amazon_payments, direct_debit, generic, alipay, unionpay, wechat_pay, ideal, google_pay, sofort, bancontact, giropay, dotpay, upi, netbanking_emandates
Payment_method_reference_id The reference Id. In the case of Amazon and PayPal this will be the billing agreement Id. For GoCardless direct debit this will be ‘mandate Id’. In the case of card this will be the identifier provided by the gateway/card vault for the specific payment method resource.


Use the following command to update the billing information for customer, including billing_address and vat_number attributes of the customer.

call UpdateBillingInfoForCustomer(:customer_id, :vat_number, :vat_number_prefix, :entity_identifier_scheme, :entity_identifier_standard, :registered_for_gst, :business_customer_without_vat_number, :is_einvoice_enabled, :billing_address_first_name, :billing_address_last_name, :billing_address_email, :billing_address_company, :billing_address_phone, :billing_address_line1, :billing_address_line2, :billing_address_line3, :billing_address_city, :billing_address_state_code, :billing_address_state, :billing_address_zip, :billing_address_country, :billing_address_validation_status)

Though, Customer_id is the only required parameter, it is necessary to fill out all the parameters due to stored procedure specifics.

Customer_id The Chargebee customer’s identifier
Vat_number The VAT/tax registration number for the customer
Vat_number_prefix An overridden value for the first two characters of the full VAT number
Entity_identifier_scheme The Peppol BIS scheme associated with the vat_number of the customer
Entity_identifier_standard Currently only iso6523-actorid-upis is supported and is used by default when not provided
Registered_for_gst Boolean. Confirms that a customer is registered under GST
Business_customer_without_vat_number Boolean. Confirms that a customer is a valid business without an EU/UK VAT number
Is_einvoice_enabled Boolean. Determines whether the customer is e-invoiced
Billing_address_first_name, billing_address_last_name, billing_address_email, billing_address_company, billing_address_phone, billing_address_line1, billing_address_line2, billing_address_line3, billing_address_city, billing_address_state_code, billing_address_state, billing_address_zip, billing_address_country, billing_address_validation_status Parameters for billing_address

More information about parameters is available here


The following command assigns primary or backup payment role or unassigns role for the payment source based on the preference for the payment collection.

call AssignPaymentRole(:customer_id, :payment_source_id, :role)

Customer_id The Chargebee customer’s identifier
Payment_source_id Payment source id this role will be assigned to
Role Payment source role. Valid values are primary, backup, none


The following command records any excess payments made by the customer, such as advance payments Such payments will be automatically applied to the future invoices.

call RecordExcessPaymentForCustomer(:customer_id, :comment, :transaction.amount, :transaction.currency_code,, :transaction.payment_method, :transaction.reference_number)

Customer_id The Chargebee customer’s identifier
Comment Сomment for an operation
transaction.amount The payment transaction amount in cents
Transaction.currency_code The currency code (ISO 4217 format) for the transaction. Required if Multicurrency enabled timestamp(UTC) in seconds
Transaction.payment_method Valid values: cash, check, bank_transfer, other, custom
Transaction.reference_number Reference number if needed. For example, check number in case of check payment method


Use the following command to refund a credit note to the payment source associated with the transaction.

call RefundCreditNote(:credit_note_id, :refund_amount, :customer_notes, :refund_reason_code)

Credit_note_id Identifier of the credit note to be refunded
Refund_amount The amount to be refunded. If not specified, the entire refundable amount for this credit_note is refunded
Customer_notes The note for the operation. Available in customer-facing documents, for example credit note PDF
Refund_reason_code Reason code for the refund. Must be one from a list of reason codes set in the Chargebee app in Settings > Configure Chargebee > Reason Codes > Credit Notes > Refund Credit Note


Use the following command to switch the gift status from unclaimed to to claimed:

call ClaimGift(:gift_id)


The following command cancels gift with specific Id.

call CancelGift(:gift_id)

You can cancel only gifts in scheduled and unclaimed states.


The following command stops dunning for Payment Due invoices enabled for Auto Collection.

call StopDunningForInvoice(:invoice_id, :comment)

When dunning is stopped, the status of the invoice will be changed to Not Paid.


To apply excess payments to an invoice, use the command

call ApplyPaymentsForInvoice(:invoice_id, :comment, :transactions)

Invoice_id The identifier of the invoice to apply payment to
Comment Internal сomment for the action
Transactions Optional. Transactions Id or multiple Ids in the array format. Excess payments available with the customer will be applied against this invoice if this parameter is not passed.


To apply available credits to an invoice, use the command

call ApplyCreditsForInvoice(:invoice_id, :comment, :credit_notes)

Invoice_id The identifier of the invoice to apply credit to
Comment Internal comment for the action
Credit_notes Optional. Credit Note number or numbers in the array format. Available refundable credits with the customer will be applied against this invoice if this paramenter is not passed


To finalize a pending invoice, use command

call ClosePendingInvoice(:invoice_id, :comment, :invoice_note, :remove_general_note, :invoice_date, :notes_to_remove)

Invoice_id The identifier of the invoice to close
Comment Internal comment for the action. It is not displayed in any document
Invoice_note A note for this particular invoice
Remove_general_note Boolean. Removes the general note from this invoice if set to true
Invoice_date Timestamp(UTC) in seconds. Must lie between the date when the invoice was generated and current date
Notes_to_remove Note Id or multiple Ids in the array format


To collect payments for payment_due and not_paid invoices, use the command

call CollectPaymentForInvoice(:invoice_id, :amount, :authorization_transaction_id, :payment_source_id, :comment)

Invoice_id The identifier of the invoice to collect payment for
Amount Amount to be collected in cents. If this parameter is not passed then the entire amount due will be collected
Authorization_transaction_id Authorization transaction to be captured
Payment_source_id Payment source to be used for this payment
Comment Internal comment for the action. Is not displayed in any document


To refund invoice, use the command

call RefundInvoice(:invoice, :refund_amount, :comment, :customer_notes, :credit_note_reason_code, :credit_note_create_reason_code)

Invoice The identifier of the invoice to be refunded
Refund_amount The amount to be refunded in cents
Comment Internal comment for the action
Customer_notes Customer notes to be filled in Credit Note
Credit_note_reason_code Valid values: *product_unsatisfactory, service_unsatisfactory, order_change, order_cancellation, waive, other
Credit_note_create_reason_code Reason code for creating the credit note. Must be one from a list of reason codes set in the Chargebee app in Settings > Configure Chargebee > Reason Codes > Credit Notes > Create Credit Note


The following command assigns order number to the order based on the settings, if not already assigned.

call AssignOrderNumber(:order_id)


To cancel order and create a refundable credit note for the order, use the command

call CancelOrder(:order_id, :cancellation_reason, :customer_notes, :comment, :cancelled_at, :credit_note_total)

Order_id The Id of the order to be canceled
Cancellation_reason Valid values: shipping_cut_off_passed, product_unsatisfactory, third_party_cancellation, product_not_required, delivery_date_missed, alternative_found, invoice_written_off, invoice_voided, fraudulent_transaction, payment_declined, subscription_cancelled, product_not_available, others, order_resent
Customer_notes Customer notes to be filled in Credit Note
Comment Internal comment for the action
Canceled_at The time at which the order was cancelled
Credit_note_total Credit Note amount in cents


The following command authorizes a specific amount in a customer’s Credit card, which can be collected within a period.

call CreateAuthorizationPayment(:customer_id, :payment_source_id, :currency_code, :amount)

Customer_id Identifier of the customer
Payment_source_id Payment source to be used for authorizing the transaction
Currency_code The currency code (ISO 4217 format) of the transaction amount
Amount The amount to be blocked


The following command voids the specific authorization transaction to release blocked funds from the customer’s card.

call VoidAuthorizationTransaction(:transaction_id)


The following command refunds an online payment. Applicable only for transactions of the payment type. You can only refund a transaction with a success status.

call RefundPayment(:transaction_id, :amount, :comment)

For more information about the parameters, please refer to Chargebee API documentation.

Supported Actions

Skyvia supports all the common actions for Chargebee.