
Snowflake is a scalable cloud-based data platform, which enables data storage, processing and analytic solutions that are faster, more flexible and easier to use. The Snowflake data platform is not built on any existing database technology or “big data” one, instead it combines a completely new SQL query engine with an innovative architecture natively designed for the cloud.

Snowflake-Specific Features and Limitations

Skyvia has the following limitations for Snowflake:

  • Skyvia supports the following types of import operations for Snowflake: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE. Please note that UPSERT operation is not supported.
  • Replication is supported for Snowflake, but it works ONLY in the Bulk Load mode (the checkbox Use Bulk Import should be selected). To connect to Snowflake, Schema and Files Storage for Bulk parameters are also necessary.
  • Synchronization is not supported for Snowflake.

Snowflake Connections

To create a connection to Snowflake, select the authentication type and specify the required connection parameters.

Getting Credentials for OAuth Authentication

To connect to Snowflake using OAuth, you have to create an integration in Snowflake first and obtain the Client Id and Client Secret.

Creating Snowflake OAuth Security Integration

If you want to use OAuth authentication in Skyvia, create a Snowflake OAuth Security Integration first. To do that, run the following script in Snowflake.


The refresh token validity default value is 7776000 (90 days). If you need to change the refresh token validity value, ask your Snowflake account administrator to send a request to Snowflake Support.

Viewing OAuth Security Integration

To view the created integration, run the following command:



view integtration

See more information about Snowflake security integrations here.

Getting Client Id and Client Secret

To obtain the Client Secret and Client Id run the following command.


SELECT system$show_oauth_client_secrets('SKYVIA');

Client Secrets

Creating OAuth Connection

To connect to Snowflake using the OAuth 2.0 perform the following steps:

Oauth Connection Editor

  1. Specify the Snowflake account domain.
  2. Enter Client Id.
  3. Enter Client Secret.
  4. Click Sign In with Snowflake and enter your credentials.
  5. Specify the name of the database you want to connect to.

Basic Authentication

To connect to Snowflake using basic authentication, specify the following required connection parameters:

Basic Authorization

  • Domain is a Snowflake account domain.
  • User is a user name to log in with.
  • Password is a password to log in with.
  • Database is a database name.

Additional Connection Parameters

If you need to perform import or replication, you will also have to specify some additional parameters described below.

  • Schema is a current schema name in the database. Although this parameter is optional, you need to specify it when using replication or import in the Bulk Load mode.
  • Warehouse is a name of the warehouse used for a database.
  • Role is a role name used to connect.

Advanced Settings

  • Command Timeout — this parameter specifies the wait time before terminating an attempt to execute a command and generating an error. Note that it is the time to wait for any server reply since the command was sent to a server, and it doesn’t include the time necessary to fetch data if the command selects some data.
  • STRING(38) As Guid — this parameter specifies whether to interpret values in the columns of the STRING (38) type as Guid values.
  • Files Storage for Bulk — you need to specify an external temporary file storage service to perform replication or import in the Bulk Load mode in Snowflake. This parameter allows you to select such possible external file storage services as None, Amazon S3 and Azure. Depending on the selected storage service, you need to specify additional parameters, which are mandatory to connect to one or another storage service.
  • Use Bulk Import — this parameter appears when you select Amazon S3 or Azure as an external file storage. For bulk loading, it is necessary to specify an external service for storing temporary files. You can also disable bulk import by clearing the Use Bulk Import checkbox. This parameter affects only import integrations with the INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE operation and with Snowflake as a target.

    By default, such integrations import data in the following way: Skyvia writes data into multiple temporary CSV files, uploads them to Amazon S3 or Azure (depending on which one you’ve selected) and then tells Snowflake to import data from these CSV files. These actions are performed simultaneously, providing the best performance. After the CSV files are imported, they are deleted. However, when data are imported this way, it’s not possible to obtain a per-record error log.

    If you disable bulk import, Skyvia will use INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements for importing data. This allows you to obtain a per-record error log but provides far less performance. Thus, disabling bulk import for Snowflake is not recommended and should only be considered if you need to import not that many records and need to have a per-record error log or you don’t want to use external storage for temporary files.

When selecting Amazon S3 Storage from Files Storage for Bulk, you need to specify the following additional parameters:

  • AWS Access Key ID — first part of your Amazon Web Services access key.
  • AWS Secret Key — second part of your Amazon Web Services access key. Read more about AWS access keys here.
  • AWS Security Token — an alternative option to AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key pair. The Amazon Web Services security token is a temporary limited-privilege credential.
  • S3 Region — AWS region, where your S3 storage is hosted.
  • S3 Bucket Name — it is an optional parameter. You may specify the name of your S3 bucket to temporarily load the file with imported or replicated data to. If you leave it empty, Skyvia will create a new bucket when importing or replicating data and delete it after the operation is finished.

When selecting Azure Blob Storage from Files Storage for Bulk, you need to specify the following additional parameters:

  • Azure Storage Account — Azure storage account name.
  • Azure Storage Account Key — your 512-bit storage access key.
  • Azure Storage Endpoints Protocol — this parameter determines the protocol to use (HTTPS or HTTP). You may optionally change the protocol to use from default https to http, but this is not recommended.