New/Updated Record

The New/Updated Record trigger checks if there are new or updated records in the selected data source with the interval specified in the settings and starts the automation flow when it finds any.

Trigger Settings

Database Trigger Settings

Setting Description
Table The database table to look for new records
Columns The columns in the database table to look for new records
Unique Key Used to avoid rows duplication. The value should be unique, incremental, and sortable. We recommend using a primary key.
Sort Column A column with a timestamp of the record update. Skyvia tracks these values and when it finds the updated one, it will count it as a trigger event. Only columns with datetime and datetime2 types can be used.
Poll Interval Time interval in which Skyvia will check for new records

Cloud App Trigger Settings

Setting Description
Table The object in the cloud app to look for new records
Columns The columns in the object to look for new records
Poll Interval Time interval in which Skyvia will check for new records


Here is an example of the New/Updated Record trigger in SQL Server:

New Record