QuickBooks Time

QuickBooks Time is a web-based and mobile time tracking and employee scheduling app.

Data integration: Skyvia supports importing data to and from QuickBooks Time, exporting QuickBooks Time data to CSV files, replicating QuickBooks Time data to relational databases and synchronizing QuickBooks Time data with other cloud apps and relational databases.

Backup: Skyvia Backup does not support QuickBooks Time.

Query: Skyvia Query supports QuickBooks Time.

Establishing Connection

When creating a connection to QuickBooks Time, you need to sign in to QuickBooks Time.

Creating Connection

To create an QuickBooks Time connection, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Sign In with QuickBooks Time.

    Connection Editor window

  2. In the opened window, enter your email address.


  3. Enter your password.


  4. Skyvia will request permission to access your QuickBooks Time account. Click Allow.

    Connection Editor window

Connector Specifics

Object Peculiarities


The Timesheets object contains a huge data volume. To reduce querying time and increase performance, you can use the following filters.

Field Operator
Date >= and <=
OnTheClock =
UpdatedDate < and >

The Timesheets object requires UserId, JobcodeId, and Type fields mapping for successful data import. It also requires mapping other fields, depending on the timesheet type. There are two types of timesheets in the Timesheets object: manual and regular. Regular timesheets require Start and End fields mapping for importing data. Manual timesheets require Duration and Date fields mapping for importing data.


When importing data to the TimeOffRequests object, provide values for the TimeOffRequestEntries field as JSON array, for example:

  "time_off_request_entries": [{

  "date": "2020-09-20",

  "entry_method": "manual",

  "duration": 28800,

  "jobcode_id": 4057357


as well as values for the TimeOffRequestNotes field as such JSON array:

  [{"note": "Taking a two day weekend to go on vacation."}]


When you select data from the Reminders object, you get the data related to the authorized user.

To get reminders for other users, you can use filter by the UserIds field. You can specify several user IDs separated by commas in the filter (for example, 2886910, 2886474, 2886548).

The UserId field returns empty result by default when querying.

DML Operations Support

Skyvia supports DML operations for the following QuickBooks Time objects:

Operation Object
INSERT, UPDATE CustomFieldItems, CustomFields, Groups, Jobcodes, Locations, Reminders, ScheduleEvents, TimeOffRequestEntries, TimeOffRequests, Users
INSERT, DELETE JobcodeAssignments, Notifications
INSERT Geolocations

Incremental Replication and Synchronization

Skyvia supports Replication with Incremental Updates for most QuickBooks Time objects except EffectiveSettings, LastModifiedTimestamps.

Skyvia supports Synchronization for such QuickBooks Time objects as CustomFieldItems, CustomFields, Groups, Jobcodes, Locations, Reminders, ScheduleEvents, Timesheets, TimeOffRequests, TimeOffRequestEntries, Users.

Supported Actions

Skyvia supports all the common actions for QuickBooks Time.