Update Action

This action updates existing records in the data source.

Action Settings

Setting Description
Table The target table to update records in.
External Id The object External ID field to use for matching records. You need to specify either External ID or Keys setting. External Id setting has a priority, so if you specify both, External ID is used.
Keys If the object does not have an external ID field, you can manually specify fields to use for matching records in this list.

Action Parameters

Update action parameters correspond to the target table fields that allow updating data and External ID or Keys fields. You must map the parameters corresponding to the External ID or Keys fields and the fields that you want to update.


The action updates a record with the matching Keys or External ID in the specified table.


Here is an example of the Update action in the Target component of Data Flow. This example shows the Update action that updates Accounts in Zoho CRM.

Insert action in data flow