Freshsales Suite

Freshsales Suite (formerly, Freshworks CRM) is a cloud-based CRM (customer relationship management) solution that helps businesses across different industry verticals to manage their interactions with existing and potential customers. The CRM includes sales force automation, marketing automation, chat, and telephony, all in one solution.

Data integration: Skyvia supports importing data to and from Freshsales Suite, exporting Freshsales Suite data to CSV files, replicating Freshsales Suite data to relational databases, and synchronizing Freshsales Suite data with other cloud apps and relational databases.

Backup: Skyvia Backup does not support Freshsales Suite.

Query: Skyvia Query supports Freshsales Suite.

Establishing Connection

To create a connection to Freshsales Suite, you need to specify URL, API Key, and Contacts, Accounts and Deals views Ids.

Getting Credentials


Log in to your Freshsales Suite account and copy the URL without a slash charachter in the end.


To get the API Key in your Freshsales Suite account, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to your Freshsales Suite account.
  2. Click the profile icon in the top right corner of the page.
  3. In the drop-down list, click Settings.
  4. Switch from Email Settings to API Settings.

    Connection Editor window

View Ids for Accounts, Contacts, and Deals

You can find the View Id value for each of the three objects in your Freshsales Suite account. For this, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the menu on the left in your Freshsales Suite account.
  2. Select the object to switch to. For example, we select Accounts. By default, records are filtered by the All Accounts view.
  3. Copy Accounts View Id in the URL.
  4. Perform the same steps with Contacts and Deals View Ids.

    View Ids

To display all Accounts in Skyvia, select the All Accounts view in your Freshsales Suite account and copy the View Id from the URL.

To display only your Accounts, click the Freshworks icon Open all views icon, select My Accounts view and copy its Id from the URL.

To get all records from the Accounts, Contacts, and Deals tables, you need to copy the View Ids from the URLs, which correspond to All Accounts, All Contacts, and All Deals.

Creating Connection

To connect to Freshsales Suite, enter the obtained connection parameter values into the corresponding boxes in the Connection Editor.

Connection Editor window

Additional Connection Parameters

Use Custom Fields

Select this checkbox to make Freshsales Suite custom fields available in Skyvia.

Connector Specifics

Object Peculiarities


To successfully import data to the Contacts object, you must map at least one of the following fields: Emails, MobileNumber, or ExternalId.


All the tasks are stored in separate objects divided according to the status and due date: OpenTasks, DueTodayTasks, DueTomorrowTasks, OverdueTasks, and CompletedTasks. When you insert tasks to Freshsales Suite, you can select any of the mentioned -Tasks objects as target. However, despite the selected object, new records appear in the OpenTasks object and one of the objects, corresponding to the inserted record due date.


All the appointments are stored in separate objects divided according to the status: PastAppointments, UpcomingAppointments. When you insert appointments to Freshsales Suite, you can select any of the mentioned objects as target. However, despite the selected object, new records appear in the object that corresponds to the appointment status.

Custom Fields

The following Freshsales Suite objects support custom fields: Contacts, Accounts, Deals. Custom fields support the INSERT and UPDATE operations.

Freshsales Suite supports the following custom field types:

Freshsales Suite Type DBType
Text field String
Text area String
Number Double
Dropdown String
Multiselect String
Radio button String
Checkbox Boolean
Date picker Date
Lookup String
Formula Double, Boolean or String
Auto number String

DML Operations Support

Operation Object
INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE AccountNotes, Accounts, CompletedTasks, ContactNotes, Contacts, DealNotes, Deals, DueTodayTasks, DueTomorrowTasks, OpenTasks, OverdueTasks, PastAppointments, SalesActivities, UpcomingAppointments

Incremental Replication and Synchronization

The following Freshsales Suite objects AccountFiles, AccountNotes, Accounts, CompletedTasks, ContactActivities, ContactFiles, ContactNotes, Contacts, DealFiles, DealNotes, Deals, DueTodayTasks, DueTomorrowTasks, OpenTasks, OverdueTasks, PastAppointments, SalesActivities, UpcomingAppointments.

The following objects support synchronization Accounts, Contacts, Deals, AccountNotes, ContactNotes, DealNotes, SalesActivities and objects having Tasks and Appointments in their names.

Supported Actions and Actions Specifics

Skyvia supports all the common actions for Freshsales Suite.