
Keap is a CRM software that automates your entire business.

Data integration: Skyvia supports importing data to and from Keap, exporting Keap data to CSV files, replicating Keap data to relational databases, and synchronizing Keap data with other cloud apps and relational databases.

Backup: Skyvia Backup does not support Keap.

Query: Skyvia Query supports Keap.

Establishing Connection

To create a connection, authenticate with one of the options: API key or OAuth 2.0.

Getting Credentials

To obtain an API key, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to your Keap account.
  2. Click your profile avatar and choose Settings.
  3. Under Application, select API settings → Personal Access Tokens.
  4. Click New Token. Enter the token name and click Create.
  5. Copy the API key.

Creating API Key Connection

To connect to Keap, specify the API Key.

Keap API Connection Editor

Creating OAuth Connection

To connect to Keap using OAuth 2.0, perform the following steps:

Keap OAuth Connection Editor

  1. Click Sign In with Keap.
  2. Enter your credentials.

    Keap Credentials

  3. Select the CRM application you want to connect to. Click Allow.

    Keap Application

Additional Connection Parameters

Suppress Extended Requests

For some objects, Keap API returns only part of the fields when querying multiple records. To query values of lacking fields, Skyvia performs additional extended requests. Such API requests can be performed for each record of such object. However, this can decrease performance and significantly increase the number of API calls used.

The additional fields are the following:

Campaigns Sequences, Goals
Contacts ScoreValue, OptInReason, OriginDate, OriginIpAddress, TagIds
Files FileContent, CreatedDate, UpdatedDate

To reduce the number of API calls, you can select the Suppress Extended Requests checkbox.

Connector Specifics

Filtering Specifics

Keap supports the following native filters:

Object Operator Field
Affiliates = Id, ContactId, ParentId, Code, Name, Status
Commissions = SalesAffiliateId
CommissionPrograms, AffiliateRedirects, AffiliateSummaries, AffiliateClawbacks, AffiliatePayments = AffiliateId
Appointments = Id, ContactId
  =, <, <=, >, >= StartDate
Campaigns = Id
Companies = Id, CompanyName
Contacts = Id, GivenName, FamilyName
  =, <, <=, >, >= UpdatedDate
ContactCreditCards, ContactTags = ContactId
ContactEmails = ContactId, SentToAddress
Orders = Id, ContactId
  =, <, <=, >, >= CreatedDate
OrderItems, OrderPayments = OrderId
Subscriptions = ContactId
Transactions = Id, ContactId
  =, <, <=, >, >= TransactionDate
Emails = Id, ContactId, SentToAddress
  =, <, <=, >, >= SentDate
Files = Id, ContactId, FileName, Public, FileBoxType
Notes = Id, ContactId, UserId
Opportunities = Id, StageId, UserId
Products = Id
ProductSubscriptions = ProductId
Tags = Id, Name, CategoryId
TaggedCompanies, TaggedContacts = TagId
Tasks = Id, Completed, ContactId
  =, <, <=, >, >= DueDate

Custom Fields

Skyvia supports custom fields for the Companies, Contacts, and Opportunities objects. You can use the following custom fields:

Keap Type DBType
Text String
Email String
PhoneNumber String
Website String
SocialSecurityNumber String
Name String
TextArea String
ListBox String
DayOfWeek String
Dropdown String
Month String
Radio String
State String
User String
UserListBox String
Drilldown String
Currency Double
DecimalNumber Double
Percent Double
WholeNumber Integer
Year Integer
Date Date
DateTime DateTime
YesNo Boolean

Nested Objects

The connector includes objects with fields that store complex, structured data in JSON format. The Nested Objects mapping feature allows you to insert or update these nested values when configuring import. To enable it, select the Nested Objects checkbox in the Import Options.

Keap connector has the following nested objects:

Object Field Nested object
Campaigns Sequences SequenceType
  Goals GoalType
Contacts EmailAddresses EmailAddressType
  Addresses ContactAddressType
  PhoneNumbers PhoneNumberType
  FaxNumbers FaxNumberType
  SocialAccounts SocialAccountType
  Relationships RelationshipType
Orders OrderItems EcommerceReportingOrderItemType
Transactions Orders EcommerceReportingOrderType
Opportunities StageDetailsCheckListItems CheckListItemDetailsType
Products ProductOptions ProductOptionType
  SubscriptionPlans SubscriptionPlansType
Users PhoneNumbers PhoneNumberType
  FaxNumbers FaxNumberType
SequenceType Paths SequencePathType
SequencePathType Items SequencePathItemType
EcommerceReportingOrderType OrderItems EcommerceReportingOrderItemType
ProductOptionType Values ProductOptionValueType

Incremental Replication and Synchronization

Skyvia supports Replication with Incremental Updates for the following objects: Appointments, Contacts, Orders, OrderPayments, Files, Notes, Opportunities, Tasks, Users.

Skyvia supports Replication for the Campaigns object, but does not track the updated records.

Skyvia supports Synchronization for the following objects: Appointments, Contacts, Notes, Opportunities, Tasks.

DML Operations Support

Operation Object
INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE Appointments, Contacts, Notes, Products, Tasks
INSERT, UPDATE Companies, Opportunities
INSERT, DELETE Orders, OrderItems, Emails, Files, ProductSubscriptions
INSERT Affiliates, ContactEmails, Subscriptions, Tags, Users

Stored Procedures

Skyvia represents part of the supported Keap features as stored procedures. You can call a stored procedure, for example, as a text of the command in the ExecuteCommand action in a Target component of a Data Flow or in Query.


To create a new tag category, use the command:

call CreateTagCategory(:name, :description)

Name Name of the tag.
Description Description of the tag. This parameter is optional.


To apply tags to contact, use the command:

call ApplyTagsToContact(:contactId, :tagIds)

ContactId ID of the contact.
TagIds ID of the tag. This parameter accepts single value or an array of values.


To remove tags from contact, use the command:

call RemoveTagsFromContact(:contactId, :tagIds)

ContactId ID of the contact.
TagIds ID of the tag. This parameter accepts single value or an array of values.

Supported Actions

Skyvia supports all the common actions for Keap.