
Scoro is an all-in-one business management software that combines project management with time and team management, sales, billing, etc.

Data integration: Skyvia supports importing data to and from Scoro, exporting Scoro data to CSV files, replicating Scoro data to relational databases, and synchronizing Scoro data with other cloud apps and relational databases.

Backup: Skyvia Backup does not support Scoro.

Query: Skyvia Query supports Scoro.

Establishing Connection

Skyvia supports two kinds of authentication for Scoro: API Key and Basic. To establish a connection to Scoro, you must select Authentication to use and specify your Scoro SubDomain. For Basic authentication, you need to specify your User name and Password and select your Company Account. For API Key authentication, you need to specify the API Key and your Company Account Id.

Note that when using Basic authentication, Skyvia can access less data from Scoro. We recommend to use API Key authentication.

Getting Credentials

To obtain credentials, in your Scoro account perform the following steps:

  1. Click Settings and then click Preferences.
  2. Point to Site settings and click Integrations.
  3. Click Scoro API.

Scoro API settings

Here you can find the required parameters.

The SubDomain can be obtained from the Company base URL. This is the part of the URL between http:// and So if your Company base URL is, your subdomain is testcompany.

The API Key can be found below. Under the API Key, you can see the corresponding company accounts and their Company Account Ids (in the company_account_id column).

Creating Connection Using API Key Authentication

Scoro connection editor

To create a connection to Scoro using Basic authentication, perform the following steps:

  1. Enter your Scoro SubDomain.
  2. In the Authentication list, select API Key.
  3. Enter your API Key.
  4. Enter your Company Account Id.

Creating Connection Using Basic Authentication

Scoro connection editor

To create a connection to Scoro using Basic authentication, perform the following steps:

  1. Enter your Scoro SubDomain.
  2. In the Authentication list, select Basic.
  3. Enter your User login and Password.
  4. Select your Company Account from the list.

Connector Specifics

Object peculiarities

Contacts, People, and Companies

Skyvia presents Scoro Contacts as two objects: People and Companies. It also provides a read-only Contacts object with all the records.

All three of these objects have a binary PictureContent field. When this field is queried, Skyvia performs an additional API request for each record, so for better performance, it’s better not to include this field in queries.


The Files object has a binary Content field. When this field is queried, Skyvia performs an additional API request for each record. When loading data to this field is performed in chunks of 5 Mb of base64 encoded data per request. Thus, several API requests can be performed to import one File record.


The Insert operation for this object actually performs Upsert. Returning option (Returning in Import and RETURNING SQL keyword) for this object does not actually queries the inserted data. Instead if returns the values, that Skyvia loads to Scoro.


The Insert operation for this object actually performs Upsert.


This object is read-only on Skyvia.

Not Supported objects

Skyvia does not support the following Scoro objects: LocalPriceLists, Notifications, Bookmarks.

Nested Objects

The connector includes objects with fields that store complex, structured data in JSON format. The Nested Objects mapping feature allows you to insert or update these nested values when configuring import.

To replicate nested data into separate tables with the new replication runtime, select the Separate Tables option for Unwind Nested Objects.

The table below lists objects with specific fields designed to store complex data structures:

Object or Nested Object Field Nested Object
BusinessEntity *Address * AddressType
  ActiveCurrencies ValueType
People *Address * AddressType
  Addresses AddressType
  Mobile ValueType
  Phone ValueType
  Email ValueType
  EmailForInvoice ValueType
  Website ValueType
  Skype ValueType
  Fax ValueType
  Twitter ValueType
  LinkedIn ValueType
  Tags ValueType
  ContactUsers ValueType
  RelatedCompanies RelatedCompaniesType
Companies *Address * AddressType
  Addresses AddressType
  Mobile ValueType
  Phone ValueType
  Email ValueType
  EmailForInvoice ValueType
  Website ValueType
  Skype ValueType
  Fax ValueType
  Twitter ValueType
  LinkedIn ValueType
  Tags ValueType
  ContactUsers ValueType
Contacts Address AddressType
  Addresses AddressType
  Mobile ValueType
  Phone ValueType
  Email ValueType
  EmailForInvoice ValueType
  Website ValueType
  Skype ValueType
  Fax ValueType
  Twitter ValueType
  LinkedIn ValueType
  Tags ValueType
  ContactUsers ValueType
  RelatedCompanies RelatedCompaniesType
CalendarEvents Users UserType
  Resources ResourcesType
Tasks *RelatedUsers * ValueType
  RelatedUsersEmails ValueType
  TimeEntries TimeEntriesType
Invoices QuoteId ValueType
  OrderId ValueType
  PrepaymentId ValueType
  CreditedInvoices ValueType
  Lines InvoiceLinesType
Prepayments Lines PrepaymentLinesType
ScheduledInvoices Lines ScheduledInvoiceLinesType
ReceiptGroups *Receipts * ReceiptsType
Quotes Lines QuoteLinesType
Orders Lines OrderLinesType
Bills Lines BillLinesType
Expenses Lines ExpenseLinesType
PurchaseOrders Lines PurchaseOrderLinesType
Products Pictures ValueType
  OrderId ValueType
Projects Phases PhasesType
  Tags ValueType
  ProjectUsers ProjectUsersType
  ProjectAccounts ValueType
Users UserGroupsIds ValueType
TriggersAndActions Activities ActivitiesType
  Actions ActionsType
Roles PriceLists PriceListsType
  Users ValueType
TimeOffs UsersDates UsersDatesType
UsersType UserGroupsIds ValueType
InvoiceLinesType Dates KeyValueType
ScheduledInvoiceLinesType Dates KeyValueType
QuoteLinesType Dates KeyValueType
OrderLinesType Dates KeyValueType
UsersDatesType Dates DatesType

Incremental Replication and Synchronization

Replication with Incremental Updates is supported for the following objects: Activities, BillComments, Bills, Bookings, CalendarComments, CalendarEvents, Categories, ClientProfiles, Companies, CompanyComments, Contacts, EventResources, Expenses, Files, FinanceAccounts, InvoiceComments, Invoices, OrderComments, Orders, People, PeopleComments, PrepaymentComments, Prepayments, Products, ProjectComments, Projects, PurchaseOrders, QuoteComments, Quotes, ReceiptGroups, Roles, ScheduledInvoices, Statuses, TaskComments, Tasks, TimeEntries, TimeOffs, Users. Note that only newly created objects are detected of the Files object because it has only the CreatedDate field, and don’t have the UpdatedDate field.

Synchronization is typically available for objects that allow Incremental Updates as well as INSERT and UPDATE operations. Thus, the following objects support synchronization: Bills, Bookings, CalendarEvents, ClientProfiles, Companies, Expenses, FinanceAccounts, Invoices, Orders, People, Prepayments, Products, Projects, PurchaseOrders, Quotes, ReceiptGroups, ScheduledInvoices, Statuses, TaskComments, Tasks, TimeEntries, TimeOffs.

Filtering Specifics

The Scoro API supports the following native filters:

Object Fields and Operators
AccountingObjects Id (=), ObjectSymbol (=), Name (=), ParentGroupName (=)
Activities Name (=), ParentName (=), IsGroup (=), IsActive (=), UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=)
BillComments UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=)
Bills Id (=), DocumentNumber (=), IsChargeable (=), DateOfPayment (=,<,<=,>,>=), PaymentType (=), RecognitionDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), Discount (=), Discount2 (=), Discount3 (=), VATSum (=), Sum (=), CompanyAddressCountry (=), CompanyAddressCounty (=), CompanyAddressMunicipality (=), CompanyAddressCity (=), CompanyAddressStreet (=), CompanyAddressZipCode (=), CompanyAddressFullAddress (=), Currency (=), Date (=,<,<=,>,>=), Deadline (=,<,<=,>,>=), Status (=), Description (=), AccountId (=), IsDeleted (=), CreatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), fk_bill (=)
Bookings Id (=)
CalendarComments UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=)
CalendarEvents Id (=), EventName (=), EventType (=), Address (=), StartDatetime (=,<,<=,>,>=), EndDatetime (=,<,<=,>,>=), FullDayEvent (=), Status (=), IsPersonal (=), ProjectName (=), CompanyName (=), DurationPlanned (=), BillableHours (=), DurationActual (=), OwnerEmail (=), IsDeleted (=), CreatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), fk_testCap (=), fk_date (=), fk_dateTime (=,<,<=,>,>=)
ClientProfiles Id (=)
Companies Id (=), Name (=), SearchName (=), BankAccount (=), Comments (=), VATNumber (=), Timezone (=), IsSupplier (=), IsClient (=), CatName (=), IsDeleted (=), CreatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), fk_testCap (=), fk_textComp (=)
CompanyComments UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=)
Contacts Id (=), Name (=), LastName (=), SearchName (=), BankAccount (=), Birthday (=,<,<=,>,>=), Position (=), Comments (=), VATNumber (=), Sex (=), Timezone (=), IsSupplier (=), IsClient (=), CatName (=), IsDeleted (=), CreatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=)
Depot Id (=), DepotName (=), Comments (=)
EventResources Id (=), ResourceName (=), ResourceColor (=), UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=)
Expenses Id (=), Date (=,<,<=,>,>=), DocumentNumber (=), IsChargeable (=), IsReimbursable (=), Status (=), Sum (=), CompanyAddressCountry (=), CompanyAddressCounty (=), CompanyAddressMunicipality (=), CompanyAddressCity (=), CompanyAddressStreet (=), CompanyAddressZipCode (=), CompanyAddressFullAddress (=), Currency (=), IsDeleted (=), CreatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), fk_Expe (=)
Files Id (=), FileName (=), Hash (=), FileLocation (=), Repository (=), FileType (=), IsPrivate (=), IsPublic (=), IsDeleted (=), CreatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), DateTimeAccessed (=,<,<=,>,>=)
FinanceAccounts Id (=), AccountSymbol (=), Name (=), ParentName (=), IsActive (=), IsSalesAccount (=), IsPurchasesAccount (=), CreatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=)
InvoiceComments UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=)
Invoices Id (=), PaymentType (=), Fine (=), PrepaymentSum (=), Currency (=), PaymentFee (=), IsRoleBased (=), DocumentNumber (=), Discount (=), Discount2 (=), Discount3 (=), Sum (=), VATSum (=), Date (=,<,<=,>,>=), Deadline (=,<,<=,>,>=), Status (=), Description (=), AccountId (=), IsSent (=), IsDeleted (=), CreatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), fk_testCap (=), fk_inv_only (=)
LaborCost UserId (=), Date (=), HourCost (=)
OrderComments UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=)
Orders Id (=), ShipmentDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), IsRoleBased (=), DocumentNumber (=), Discount (=), Discount2 (=), Discount3 (=), VATSum (=), Sum (=), CompanyAddressCountry (=), CompanyAddressCounty (=), CompanyAddressMunicipality (=), CompanyAddressCity (=), CompanyAddressStreet (=), CompanyAddressZipcode (=), CompanyAddressFullAddress (=), Currency (=), Date (=,<,<=,>,>=), Deadline (=,<,<=,>,>=), Status (=), Description (=), AccountId (=), IsSent (=), IsDeleted (=), CreatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), fk_testCap (=), fk_order (=)
PDFTemplates Name (=), Type (=), Status (=)
People Id (=), Name (=), LastName (=), SearchName (=), BankAccount (=), Birthday (=,<,<=,>,>=), Position (=), Comments (=), Sex (=), Timezone (=), IsSupplier (=), IsClient (=), CatName (=), CreatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), IsDeleted (=), fk_testCap (=), fk_text (=), fk_checkable_textbox (=), fk_checkbox (=), fk_dropdownList (=), fk_date (=), fk_duration (=), fk_dateTime (=,<,<=,>,>=), fk_number_total (=), fk_number_avr (=), fk_duration_total (=), fk_duration_avg (=), fk_duration_all (=), fk_text_html (=), fk_number_all (=), fk_number_range (=), fk_number_range_2 (=), fk_money (=), fk_numbering (=), fk_numbering_startVal (=), fk_imageId (=), fk_relation_comp (=), fk_relation_cont (=), fk_image1Id (=), fk_newNumbering (=)
PeopleComments UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=)
PermissionSets Id (=)
PrepaymentComments UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=)
Prepayments Id (=), Fine (=), PrepaymentPercent (=), IsRoleBased (=), DocumentNumber (=), Discount (=), Discount2 (=), Discount3 (=), Sum (=), VATSum (=), Currency (=), Date (=,<,<=,>,>=), Deadline (=,<,<=,>,>=), Status (=), Description (=), AccountId (=), IsSent (=), IsDeleted (=), CreatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), fk_prep (=)
PriceLists Id (=), Name (=), Currency (=), AccountId (=)
ProductGroups Id (=), Name (=), Comments (=), PcsPerPackage (=), AccountName (=)
Products Id (=), Code (=), Name (=), Price (=), BuyingPrice (=), Description (=), Description2 (=), Unit (=), Amount (=), Amount2 (=), Tag (=), Url (=), DefaultType (=), UseSupplier (=), IsActive (=), IsService (=), NoDiscounts (=), IsDeleted (=), CreatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), fk_prod (=)
ProjectComments UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=)
ProjectPhases Type (=), Title (=), StartDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), EndDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), Ordering (=)
Projects Id (=), DocumentNumber (=), ProjectName (=), IsPersonal (=), IsPrivate (=), Color (=), Status (=), StatusName (=), Date (=,<,<=,>,>=), Deadline (=,<,<=,>,>=), Duration (=), AccountId (=), BudgetType (=), IsDeleted (=), UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), fk_testCap (=), fk_proj (=)
PurchaseOrders Id (=), DeliveryDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), ConfirmedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), DocumentNumber (=), Discount (=), Discount2 (=), Discount3 (=), Sum (=), VATSum (=), Currency (=), Date (=,<,<=,>,>=), Status (=), Description (=), AccountId (=), IsSent (=), IsDeleted (=), CreatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), fk_purch_ord (=)
QuoteComments UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=)
Quotes Id (=), ConfirmedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), EstimatedClosingDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), VATSum (=), Sum (=), Currency (=), ShipmentDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), EstimatedDuration (=), DocumentNumber (=), Discount (=), Discount2 (=), Discount3 (=), Date (=,<,<=,>,>=), Deadline (=,<,<=,>,>=), Status (=), Description (=), AccountId (=), IsSent (=), IsDeleted (=), CreatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), fk_quote (=)
ReceiptAccounts Name (=), Type (=)
ReceiptGroups Date (=,<,<=,>,>=), Sum (=), Currency (=), SalesDocType (=), IsDeleted (=), UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=)
RelationTypes RelationName (=), RelationSideOne (=), RelationSideTwo (=), RelationObjectType (=)
RevenueForecastPeriods Id (=)
Roles Id (=), IsActive (=), Name (=)
RolesWithPrices RoleName (=), PricelistName (=), SellingPrice (=), Currency (=)
ScheduledInvoices Id (=), Fine (=), DeadlineDays (=), GenerateType (=), CalculateLineDates (=), LastGenerationDate (=), MarkPaidFromPrepayment (=), AutoSend (=), Lang (=), MailFromName (=), MailFrom (=), Cc (=), Bcc (=), UseSignature (=), IsRoleBased (=), Discount (=), Discount2 (=), Discount3 (=), Sum (=), VATSum (=), Currency (=), Status (=), Description (=), AccountId (=), IsSent (=), IsDeleted (=), CreatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), fk_testCap (=), fk_inv_only (=)
SentEmails Datetime (=,<,<=,>,>=), SentFrom (=), SentTo (=), Type (=), Subject (=), SendType (=), IsSent (=), IsDraft (=)
Statuses StatusId (=), StatusName (=), Color (=), Module (=), UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=)
TaskComments UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=)
Tasks Id (=), EventName (=), IsCompleted (=), DateTimeCompleted (=,<,<=,>,>=), DurationActual (=), DateTimeDue (=,<,<=,>,>=), Status (=), StatusName (=), Sortorder (=), ActivityType (=), IsPersonal (=), ProjectName (=), DurationPlanned (=), BillableHours (=), OwnerEmail (=), IsDeleted (=), CreatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), fk_testCap (=), fk_number_total (=), fk_task (=)
TimeEntries Id (=), Description (=), EventType (=), StartDatetime (=,<,<=,>,>=), EndDatetime (=,<,<=,>,>=), Duration (=), BillableDuration (=), IsCompleted (=), IsConfirmed (=), IsBillable (=), CompletedDatetime (=,<,<=,>,>=), IsLocked (=), TimeEntryDate (=,<,<=,>,>=), IsSubmitted (=), IsDeleted (=)
TimeOffs Id (=), Type (=)
TriggersAndActions Id (=), Module (=), Name (=), Status (=), IsShared (=)
UserGroups Id (=), GroupName (=), Comment (=), IsHidden (=)
Users Id (=), UserName (=), FirstName (=), LastName (=), FullName (=), Initials (=), Email (=), Status (=), Birthday (=,<,<=,>,>=), Category (=), Position (=), CountryId (=), Gsm (=), TimeZone (=), UpdatedDate (=,<,<=,>,>=)
VATCodes Id (=), VATCode (=), Percent (=), VATName (=), IsSales (=), IsPurchases (=), IsActive (=), IsNotApplicable (=)

DML Operations support

Operation Object
INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE Bills, Bookings, CalendarEvents, ClientProfiles, Companies, Expenses, FinanceAccounts, Invoices, Orders, People, Prepayments, Products, Projects, PurchaseOrders, Quotes, ReceiptGroups, ScheduledInvoices, Tasks, TimeEntries, TimeOffs, VATCodes
INSERT, DELETE BillComments, CalendarComments, CompanyComments, Files, InvoiceComments, OrderComments, PeopleComments, PrepaymentComments, ProjectComments, QuoteComments, TaskComments
INSERT, UPDATE PriceLists, ProductGroups
INSERT ContactRelations, LaborCost

Supported Actions

Skyvia supports all the common actions for Scoro.